Firm Mascots

Witherspoon & Siracusa, LLP is a pet-friendly office. The three dogs who come to work every day are very friendly and especially good with young kids. If you are allergic or have other sensitivities to dogs, please let us know and we will be happy to make sure they are kept in a closed office during your visit.


Eddie is the newest addition to the office. A rescue from Northern California Boxer Rescue, he is about three years old. He is playful yet gentle and loves meeting new people (and dogs!).






Eva is a Boxer of undetermined age; she is a rescue dog from West Coast Boxer Rescue. Her favorite thing in the world is giving hugs and getting pets. She’s a sweet and gentle girl who will make you smile during your visit to the office.






Zoey is a 10-year-old Yorkshire Terrier. She is obsessed with her ball and will try anything and everything to get you to play with her. She torments Eddie by playing keep-away with her biscuits.




